Why Drinking Water is Essential

Staying hydrated is essential for good health and well-being. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, and proper hydration helps our body to perform its functions optimally. Drinking adequate amounts of water helps to lubricate joints, regulate body temperature, flush out toxins, provide essential vitamins and minerals for the body to use, and transport oxygen throughout the cells. In short, drinking the right amount of water can make a huge difference in how we look and feel each day.

Here are some of the key benefits of drinking water:


How much water should you drink?

It's recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or more if you're exercising or in hot temperatures. Of course, this doesn’t mean you have to chug down two full bottles of water all in one go; it’s just the amount that your body needs throughout the day.

You can incorporate more water into your diet by eating and drinking sources of hydration like vegetables and fruit juices and making sure to keep a bottle of water on you at all times for sipping throughout the day. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or ill, however, then you may need to increase your daily intake as these states require more hydration from the body.


When should you drink water?

It's recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, or more if you're exercising or in hot temperatures. You should spread out your daily intake throughout the day, but it's especially important to stay hydrated before, during and after exercise.

Additionally, having a glass of water before meals can help with hunger management and digestion. Drinking some water first thing in the morning can help wake up your digestive system too. Making sure that you're taking in enough fluids throughout the day will have lasting positive effects on your energy levels and general mood!

Even though you may not immediately feel thirsty, it is important to drink water regularly. Over time, your body will become accustomed to receiving more water and will begin to crave it more often. This is because when we don't drink enough water our thirst glands can become desensitized, making us unaware of how dehydrated we are. Knowing this can be an important reminder to stay hydrated - even if you don't think you need a drink right away, having one can help prevent long-term dehydration.


What is the benefit of drinking water first thing in the morning?

Many people start their day with a glass of water and lemon for its revitalizing, cleansing benefits. Drinking water with lemon first thing in the morning can help your body kick start its digestion, flush toxins from the body, boost metabolism and aid hydration levels. The combination of minerals in lemons such as potassium, calcium and magnesium also helps to balance electrolytes in the body which can be important for overall health.

Additionally, this drink is naturally rich in vitamin C which helps to boost your immune system, as well as supports healthy skin. Not only does a glass of water with lemon provide health benefits; it also tastes great and adds some sparkle to an otherwise boring glass of water!


Why is it not recommended to drink water during a meal?

It is important not to drink water while you are eating a meal, but instead to have it before or after. Drinking water during meals can dilute the digestive juices needed for proper digestion, which can lead to indigestion and other digestion-related issues.

It's recommended to wait at least 30 minutes before having a drink of water after starting a meal and then another 30 minutes after finishing. This will help ensure that your body gets the most out of the food you eat and that your digestive system stays healthy!

Is all water the same?

Let's talk about tap water:

Although the quality of tap water can vary greatly depending on location, it tends to contain a variety of potentially harmful substances.

It is not uncommon to find unwanted contaminants like heavy metals (lead, arsenic), chlorine, fluoride, bacteria and even pesticides in certain areas. In addition, some water supplies may be contaminated with industrial or environmental pollutants that can cause serious health risks.

It's concerning to note that studies have uncovered that tap water in many areas contains measurable levels of pharmaceuticals, including birth control pills and other medicinal pill residues.

This means that when you are consuming tap water or showering in it, you could potentially be ingesting medication and estrogen from the birth control pills. It's important to be aware of the potential risks associated with drinking unsafe tap water.

Thankfully, modern water filtration systems can help remove these impurities from tap water so you can continue to drink safely and confidently. Taking advantage of these methods is one of the best ways to ensure you're drinking clean and healthy water every day!

Check out our article on the top water filtration systems on the market today!


 What about flavoured water?

While flavoured water can be a convenient way to hydrate, there are some potential downsides. Many flavoured waters contain added sugar and artificial sweeteners, which can lead to weight gain, blood sugar spikes and other health concerns.

Additionally, many of these drinks are high in sodium, which may increase blood pressure or cause dehydration. As an alternative, try drinking unsweetened sparkling or still mineral water with natural fruit slices for a refreshing drink without any of the negative side effects.

Are you ready to up your hydration game? Here are six super simple and effective tips to help you guzzle down more H2O and keep your body feeling refreshed and energized all day long:



Staying hydrated is key to overall health, well-being, and performance. It's important to remember that your body needs water daily and to drink frequently even if you don't feel thirsty. Remember: your body will thank you for it!


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