8 simple and easy changes to make for a healthier you

Being healthy isn't always easy, but it is worth it. There are a lot of little changes you can make in your everyday life that will have big impacts on your health. Here are 8 simple and easy changes to make for a healthier you.

Drink More Water

Regularly drinking water is good for our bodies in many ways, but how much water each person needs to drink varies. 

Water helps your body get rid of toxins, which makes digestion easier and helps us stay at a healthy weight. It also keeps your skin hydrated, which keeps it healthy and makes you look younger. 

If it's hard for you to remember to drink enough water every day, set your phone to remind you to drink a glass of water every so often. Once you make it a part of your daily routine to drink more water, you'll be amazed at how much better your health and well-being will be.

Get At Least 30 Minutes of Exercise Each Day

Getting at least 30 minutes of exercise every day can improve our lives in many important ways. Regular physical activity can not only make us healthier, but it can also help us feel less stressed and better about ourselves. 

It doesn't have to be hard or take a long time to work out. Walking, hiking, and yoga are all easy things to do that are good for our health and don't take much time. 

With this in mind, there's really no reason why you shouldn't do some kind of exercise every day. So make a promise today to live a healthy life every day.

Pack your own lunch with healthy foods instead of eating out

It can be hard to pack your own lunch every day, so you might want to eat out instead. But if you try to pack a healthy, well-balanced meal before you leave the house in the morning, you'll feel better all day and be healthier in the long run. 

This will save money, improve nutrition, and reduce food-related risks that can lead to health problems like obesity and heart disease. You will also be in charge of the ingredients, the size of the servings, and the flavors. You won't have to worry about unhealthy surprises or strange combinations of ingredients. If you don't have to wait for food or wait in long lines at restaurants, you'll have more time to do things that are good for your body and mind. 

So don't give in to the urge to buy unhealthy fast food and start making your own healthy lunch right away.

Do Not Eat 3hrs before bed

Experts often say that we should stop eating at least three hours before bedtime to give our digestive systems a break. But what about after those 3 hours? Is it really important to not eat anything at all in the evening? 

Yes, anything we eat 3 hours before bedtime can change the way we sleep and keep our bodies from regenerating properly. This is because when we eat late at night and are awake, our body's energy goes toward digestion instead of healing. Because of this, we can have problems like indigestion, heartburn, and trouble sleeping. So, if you want to sleep well, it's best not to eat anything in those hours. 

This doesn't mean you can't eat a light, healthy snack in the evening, like a piece of fruit or some nuts. This way, you'll still be able to satisfy your cravings, but it won't affect your sleep. So stop snacking late at night and get ready for a good night's sleep!

Eat Organic Whole Foods

Eating organic, natural, whole foods is better for our health and the environment. These foods contain more nutrition than processed and pre-packaged foods with additives like preservatives and flavorings. When you can, buy organic animal products that were only fed grass and raised on pasture. This makes sure you don't eat any of the harmful toxins that can be found in factory-farmed meat and dairy products.

It also helps local farmers who work hard and do things the right way to make sure you get the best animal products. Eating real food is good for your health and helps build a food system that will last for future generations.

Cut down on sugary drinks and snacks

It's not always easy to stay healthy. Things like sugary drinks and snacks can make it too hard to stick to healthy diets. Cutting back on these treats can have a big effect on your health, like lowering your risk of type 2 diabetes and being overweight. 

The good news is that there are lots of tasty alternatives that won't ruin your efforts to stay healthy. Dropping colas and sports drinks in favor of water or unsweetened iced tea is a simple first step. Healthy snack options, like a handful of almonds or trail mix, can also help you deal with cravings without hurting your body. 

Making small changes can be a great way to keep health in mind without feeling like you're missing out.

Get at least 6-8hrs of sleep

Getting between six and eight hours of sleep every night is important for keeping your body and mind in good shape. To do this, people are told not to use their phones for at least an hour before bed to help you fall asleep. 

You can also help the process by reading or drinking soothing teas before bed. Natural remedies for sleep like melatonin supplements and magnesium supplements, as well as aromatherapy with essential oils such as lavender essential oils, have become very popular in recent years. Both have been shown to work as natural sleep aids. 

Valerian root has also shown that it may reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and may help in treating insomnia as it helps you sleep better. Melatonin production is important because it helps prevent insomnia, a sleep disorder that affects 33%-50% of Americans. Tart cherry juice has shown to help as it is naturally high in melatonin.

Getting enough sleep has many benefits, such as making your memory better, making you more creative, helping you focus better, and making you more alert. But most importantly, lack of sleep can cause diabetes, depression, obesity, and even heart disease in the long run. Because of this, it's important to give up a few extra minutes each night to make sure you get your restful nap.


Take Care of Your Mental Health

Maintaining good mental health is just as important as physical health, and both should be taken seriously. 

To live a happy and productive life, you need to take care of your mental health such as how to cope with stress. When our minds are healthy, we're better able to handle stress, control our feelings, set goals, make decisions, and interact well with others. 

Taking time to relax at night is very important for our mental health and well-being as a whole. Activities like taking a warm bath, reading a book, or meditating can help us feel less stressed and more in control. Lastly, it can be very helpful to find a supportive friend or therapist to talk to about stress and mental health.

These are just some of the tips that you can use to maintain your overall health and wellbeing. By taking these simple steps, you can live a healthy life and enjoy all the benefits that come with it. So take care of yourself, both physically and mentally – your body will thank you for it!

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